About LeTip
You can expect LeTip to provide the structure and the guidance of the LeTip program. You can expect your Regional Director or Ambassadors to train your chapter members in leadership and presentation skills. You can expect all the necessary materials to run a chapter to be provided without charge.
You can expect annual training in the newest networking and chapter building techniques for your Board Members and Committee Chairs. You can expect your category to be protected. And you can expect our full time staff in our corporate office to assist you when necessary.
What does LeTip expect of me?
LeTip expects you to attend meetings because you can't build relationships if you aren't in attendance.
LeTip expects you to pass, on average, one qualified referral every week.
LeTip expects you to be ethical, Professional and experienced in your line of work.
LeTip expects you to help all your members to be successful and they are expected to do the same for you.
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